Saturday, 20 March 2010
posted by Ashwini Dhekane

How to add Contact-Me page with custom Thank-you page to blogger

Adding a “Contact Us” page to blogger is really easy. Take a look at my Contact Page. Adding this will require you to signup for another service. We will use EmailMeForm for this hack. Also, it will be better if you have some HTML knowledge. First we will grab the html code for the form then we will add it to our blog.

Step 1: Create a Thank-you Page

Before starting to make the custom form, it will be better to have a Thank-you page ready. In case you don’t know what thank-you page is; it is a page where the user lands after submitting the form.

To make the landing-page, login to your blogger-dashboard. Create a new “Static-page”. Write the message you want to show on the Thank-you page and publish the post. Take a look at my Landing-Page.

Step 2: Get the HTML

Now that we have a landing page, lets make the form. There are several services available to add a contact form to your BlogSpot blog. My favorite is EmailMeForm. First signup at this website (It is free). Once you are done click on “Create a new Form” and follow the instructions. At this stage, you will have to choose form details like, number of fields, label and type for each field. You have liberty to choose if the field is “required”. Do not forget to enter the url to the Thank-you page we created in Step-1 in the given field in “Create a new form” page.

When you are finished making the form, click on “get the html code” to get the html code.

Step-3: Create the Contact Us page

To do this, create a new static page on blogger. Change your editor into “Edit HTML” mode. and copy and paste the HTML code from step-2. Publish the post and test it. You are done!!!

Additionally, you can add your own style to the form using CSS.

add your own