After a long gloomy era in Naruto Manga, something cheerful happened. Muchimuchi-no-Kushina makes her first in-person appearance in Naruto Manga. Now, Naruto knows everything about his parents (or does he? this is the best part about Naruto, there are a lot of expected surprises). Now, we know that Naruto’s dattebayo is Kushina’s dattebane. But why I am writing this article is not because I am jealous of densetsu-no-yondaime-hokage, or I liked the way Naruto declared himself konoha-no-orange-hokage. I may have an answer to the question that why Kishimoto did not club Naruto and Sakura, while Naruto made it damn clear that he loves Sakura. The following statement may put Naru-Saku fans to shut their trap and respect Hinata’s love for Naruto.
Of course you have the freedom to disagree and abuse me for using unfounded incidents to derive the conclusion. You are free to do so. What are Sakura’s traits: Red Hair, short-tempered, saying Shannaro when agitated, underestimate people and many more happy-to-remember personality traits. Now, what I am proposing is probably Naruto and Sakura are siblings. Now you have it. You laughed? or did you just abused me in complete vigor? or may be you said “I knew it! Do you remember what I said?”
I have connected the two on the basis of personality. One more information that interests me is Kushina’s last name. Uzumaki literally means Whirlpool. And Sakura is genjutsu type. Not only that she can use her genjutsu ability, but was aware of it since childhood. She must have some strong family-background in genjutsu to be that talented. But this also puts Sakura in relation with Kurenai-“Sensei” who is another muchimuchi-no-babe I admire in Naruto.
Whereabouts of Sakura’s parents is unknown. Ok, you can say that she lives with her parents, but what the hell her parents were doing all the time, or they got annihilated when pain shinra-tenseied konoha, because they had pledged not to leave home and never show their faces to viewers and readers. You know who are Hinata’s parents, you even have to watch Kiba’s parents rocking with their doggy (as if Kiba alone was not enough of a torture).
There are only two persons: Naruto and Sakura, we don’t know where their parents are. Ok, we know about Naruto but what about Sakura. Why do I get a feeling that Sakura is going to be extremely evil. submitting to extreme pressure and personal selfishness.