After a long gloomy era in Naruto Manga, something cheerful happened. Muchimuchi-no-Kushina makes her first in-person appearance in Naruto Manga. Now, Naruto knows everything about his parents (or does he? this is the best part about Naruto, there are a lot of expected surprises). Now, we know that Naruto’s dattebayo is Kushina’s dattebane. But why I am writing this article is not because I am jealous of densetsu-no-yondaime-hokage, or I liked the way Naruto declared himself konoha-no-orange-hokage. I may have an answer to the question that why Kishimoto did not club Naruto and Sakura, while Naruto made it damn clear that he loves Sakura. The following statement may put Naru-Saku fans to shut their trap and respect Hinata’s love for Naruto.
Naruto Shippuden’s Worst Episode which was expected to be the Best: Naruto Shippuden’s Viewership
In this post I question the intended viewership of Shippuden. Why such a question arises? You will know soon. Now there a lot of anime out there but very few are worth following, and Naruto deserves fan following. Before starting to pour out my frustrations on last week’s episode titled “Sage Mode Explosion” which should have been titled “Sage Mode Assplosion”, I would like to make it clear that this article is not fit for every reader. Not only because of slangs but it may contain spoilers for those who do not read Naruto Manga. If you just clicked on the “Manga” link in last sentence and don’t know what a manga is then stop right here and don’t read further.
13 Manga that deserve Readership
Ha!!!! This has been a long post. Writing reviews and synopsis is the most difficult thing I have ever done. Though I enjoyed writing most of the synopsis but for few it was a boring task to do. Following is the list of 13 Manga that I recommend you to read, if you have not already (Of course, I have read them). All of these manga are unique in themselves and are worth reading. I have included my short review for all of them followed by the plot. Enjoy!!!
Five Manga based Anime That You Should Watch
One year ago I was strong believer of the pseudo-fact that cartoons and animated media are for kids. There are many who believe in this pseudo-fact. Somehow, I started watching Detroit Metal City, anticipating that I will regret watching it. But, luckily it was just opposite. DMC became the first anime I watched and it was followed by death-note, Naruto, Bleach and many others. My point? Every animated movie or TV-series is not (only) for kids. There are many which explicitly target mature viewers.
This is the list of five Anime series based on corresponding Manga Series that everybody should give a try (trying to be a bit diplomatic here. should be read as must-watch).